Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University Old Question Papers
Master of Business Administration
Fourth Semester Main Examination, Aug-Sep 2020
Production Planning & Control [MBA403P]
Time: 3:00 Max Marks 80
Note: Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 Distinguish between mass production, batch production and unit production.
Q.2 Explain briefly the inventory control management for single product as well as for
multiple products with examples.
Q.3 Write a note on material requirement planning.
Q.4 What is production planning and control? What are its main element and functions?
Q.5 Explain in detail:- Job sequences. What are the various factors influencing process planning.
Q.6 Explain the term production planning and control and highlight its functions separately
for a manufacturing organization and a service organization.
Q.7 Explain MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning) in detail. Explain various factors
influencing scheduling.
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