Total number of printed pages-4
Paper : DFM-01
Full Marks : 100
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
New Students need not attempt Question No. 2.
1. Describe whether management is science or arts. 5
2. Answer any four from the following : 5x4=20
(a) What do you mean by Social Responsibility of business ? Put forward your arguments for social responsibility.
(b) Differentiate clearly between the external and internal components of environment in context of a business organisation.
(c) What are the points of distinction between long-range planning and shortrange planning ?
(d) What are the characteristics of formal organisation ?
(e) What do you mean by attitude ? Discuss how attitudes are formed.
U) What is the difference between perception and sensation ?
(g) "Decentralization is not necessarily good, nor is centralization necessarily bad". Discuss.
3. Answer any three from the following : 10x3=30
(a) What are the various levels in management ? What are the important management skills required at different levels ? Explain in brief.
(b) What is planning ? Explain the purpose and principles of planning. Explain the steps involved in planning.
(c) How can an organisation be benefitted by introduction of MBO ? State the causes for which MBO may fail.
(d) Discuss in brief, the characteristics, advantages and limitations of a matrix organisation.
(e) What are the common barriers to communication ? How can they be overcome ?
4. Answer any three questions from the following : 3x15=45
(a) What are the basic types of organizational structures ? Briefly describe each type.
(b) What do you mean by line and staff authority ? Discuss the causes of conflict between line manager and staff managers. What steps should be taken to minimize the conflict between the two ?
(c) Compare and contrast Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory with Herzberg's Two factor theory of motivation.
(d) Define Stress. What are the various causes and consequences of stress ?
(e) Write short notes on the following:
(1) Job Burnout
(2) Vroom's Expectancy theory
(3) Importance of values in an organization.
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