Monday, January 10, 2022

University of Calicut B.Com / BCA A12 SENSORS AND TRANSDUCER Model Question Paper

University of Calicut




(Model Question Paper)

Time : Three Hours 

Part A 

Answer all questions. Each question carries ½ mark. 

1. Define Transducers ? with example

2. List static characteristics of a sensor

3, Explain LVDT and RVDT ?

4. Application of capacitance sensors ?

5. Explain basic principle Thermistors ?

6. What is the principle of thermocouple ?

7. List application of RTD ?

8. Explain principle of Hall effect sensors ?

9. Explain the function electromagnetic flow meter ?

10. List characteristics of photo detectors ?

11. What are the commonly used photo resistive materials ?

12. Explain Bernoulli's principle ?

13. Explain the working of Rot meter ?

14. List the function of venture tube ?

15. What is sound level meter ?

Part B (Very Short Answer Type Questions) 

Answer all questions. 

Each question carries 2 marks. 

16. Explain resistive sensors with help of a potentiometer ?

17. List advantage and disadvantages of thermocouple ?

18. List different type of Magnetic sensors ?

19. What is eddy current Explain working of eddy current sensors ?

20. Explain working of photosensitive cell Transducers ?

21. With neat diagram explain the function of pressure sensors ?

22. What is the order of resolution of a torque type sensors ?

23. In what different mode P_ N junction used for radiation detection ?

24. What are the commonly used photo resistive materials ?

25. Explain working of inductive sensor with example

26. Write essay about Thermistors

27. Describe any two level transducer with application

28. Explain working of dynamometer and gyroscope

Part B (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Answer any 3 questions. 

Each question carries 10 marks.

25. Explain working of inductive sensor with example

26. Write essay about Thermistors

27. Describe any two level transducer with application

28. Explain working of dynamometer and gyroscope

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