Master of Business Administration
Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Work Study and Productivity [MBA305P]
Time: 3:00
Max Marks 80
Note : Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 Explain in detail Productivity Improvement factors which are Internal to Organization.
Q.2 Explain in detail Productivity Improvement Factors which are External to Organization.
Q.3 Define various Techniques to reduce Work Content and ineffective Time.
Q.4 Explain Work- Sampling Procedure. How do you calculate number of observations to be
Q.5 Draw the various process chart symbols and explain their meaning.
Q.6 Discuss the factors responsible for reducing Productivity. What are the steps to be taken
to increase the productivity?
Q.7 Explain the construction, uses and drawbacks of String Diagram
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