Master of Business Administration
Third Semester Main Examination, December 2020
Object Oriented Programming using C++ [MBA303I]
Time: 3:00
Max Marks 80
Note : Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 What is polymorphism? Explain compile time polymorphism.
Q.2 What are the benefits of object oriented programming over procedure oriented
Q.3 What is friend function? What are the privileges granted to it?
Q.4 Write about following operations related to a file: Read a file, EOF, and Close a file.
Q.5 What do you understand by inheritance? Give its various types and access mechanisms.
Q.6 What is the importance of Exception Handling? Explain how it is achieved in object
oriented programming.
Q.7 What is Template? Explain the procedure of reading and writing a text file.
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