Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Anna University GE2022 Total Quality Management Nov Dec 2021 Question Paper

Anna University Old Question Paper

Question Paper Code : 80630

Reg. No. : 


Sixth/Seventh Semester 

Civil Engineering 

GE 2022/10177 GE 004/10144 CSE 44/10144 GE 004/10177 GE 701/GE 607/ GE 71/IE 72 — TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 

(Common to All Branches) 

(Regulations 2008/2010) 

(Common to PTGE 2022/PTGE 3403 for B.E. (Part - Time) Fifth Semester — Common to All Branches — Regulations 2009) 

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 

Answer ALL questions. 

PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 

1. List two basic needs of Quality. 

2. What are the barriers to TQM? 

3. List the characteristics of successful quality leaders. 

4. List out any four benefits of Employee involvement. 

5. How is a scatter diagram used? 

6. What are the reasons for benchmarking? 

7. What are the functions of quality circle? 

8. Define TPM. 

9. Explain briefly the environmental management system. 

10. What is QS 9000 standard? 

PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 

11. (a) (i) What are the basic concepts of TQM? Discuss in detail. (8) 

 (ii) What is TQM framework? Discuss with a case study. (8) 


(b) (i) Discuss the contribution of Juran for quality in detail. (8) 

 (ii) What are the barriers for TQM implementation? (8) 

12. (a) Discuss the importance of “employee involvement” and “motivation” forenhancing quality. 


(b) Explain the issues related to customer’s complaints and retention. 

13. (a) (i) Explain how benchmarking improves product/process quality. (8) 

 (ii) Describe the various stages in FMEA. (8) 


(b) (i) List out the New seven management tools and explain any two in  detail. (8) 

 (ii) What is Six Sigma Concept? How can it be effective in a service organization. (8) 

14. (a) Derive the expressions and explain the Taguchi loss function with neat graph. (16) 


(b) Explain the concept of QFD. (16) 

15. (a) Discuss the various elements of ISO 9000:2000 quality system. (16) 


(b) (i) What is QS 9000? State its significance. (8) 

 (ii) What are benefits of ISO:14000 certification? (8) 



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