Friday, February 18, 2022

Anna University ME8595 Thermal Engineering-II Nov Dec 2021 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Paper

Question Paper Code : 40836


Fifth/Seventh Semester 

Mechanical Engineering 


[Common to Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)] 

(Regulations 2017) 

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 

Answer ALL questions. 

PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 

1. What is the function of divergent nozzle? 

2. What are the major effects of friction in nozzle? 

3. What are the disadvantages of solid fuels? 

4. What is the significance of factor of evaporation in boilers? 

5. How does pressure and velocity change as the flow proceeds though the runner of the impulse turbine? 

6. What is meant by diagram efficiency? 

7. List the benefits of waste heat recovery. 

8. Differentiate a recuperative heat exchanger from a regenerative heat exchanger. 

9. What is the basic working principle of vapour compression refrigeration cycle? 

10. What is GSHF? 


PDF Link : Click here to download Anna University ME8595 Thermal Engineering-II Nov Dec 2021 Question Paper

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