Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Chandigarh University B.Com 2nd Sem BCM-204 Business Economics-II May 2019 Question Paper

Chandigarh University Previous Years Question Paper 2019

Printed Pages: 2 

Roll No.   _________________

Questions : 14 

Sub. Code: 0813

Exam. Code: 0012

Bachelor of Commerce 2nd Semester



Paper : BCM-204 

Time Allowed : Three Hours] 

[Maximum Marks : 80 

Note : (1) There are three sections in all. 

(2) Attempt any four questions from Section-A. Each question carries 4 marks. (4x5=20) 

(3) Attempt any two questions each from Section-B and Section-C; each carries 15 marks. (4x15=60)


1. What is difference between Real wages and Nominal wages ? 

2. Discuss risk theory of Profit. 

3. Differentiate between GNP and GDP at factor cost and market price. 

4. What is full employment ? Give the assumptions of Classical Theory of Employment. 

5. Discuss the concept of Effective Demand. 

6. What is Investment ? Explain types of Investment. 4x5=20 


7. Critically examine Keynesian liquidity preference theory of Interest. 

8. Critically examine modern theory of Rent. 

9. Define National Income. Explain the different methods of measuring National Income. 

10. Explain modern theory of Wages. How does it differ from Marginal Productivity Theory ? 2 x15=30 


11. "Supply creates its own demand." Discuss and give its implications. 

12. Explain the Keynesian theory of income and employment. And also compare with Classical theory of employment. 

13. State and explain psychological law of consumption and bring out its implications. 

14. Define multiplier. Explain the forward and backward working of multiplier. 2 x15=30 

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