Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA I SEM Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry [BP104T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

First Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry [BP104T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

(ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions- [1x20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Dilute acid does not produce carbon dioxide on being treated with:-

(a) Marble (b) Lime

(c) Baking Soda (d) Lime Stone

(ii) Some fruits like mango, lemon, raw grapes, orange, etc., have a sour taste due to

the presence of:

(a) Acetic acid (b) Citric acid

(c) Lactic acid (d) Oxalic acid

(iii) Brine is an -

(a) Aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide

 (b) Aqueous solution of sodium carbonate

(c) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride

(d) Aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate

(iv) In pharmaceutical preparations Zinc Sulphate is used as?-

(a) Astringent & Antiseptic (b) Antacid

(c) Antimicrobial & Preservative (d) All

(v) Na2CO3 . 10H2O is

(a) washing soda (b) baking soda

(c) bleaching powder (d) tartaric acid

(vi) Alkalis are -

(a) Acids, which are soluble in water

 (b) Acids, which are insoluble in water

 (c) Bases, which are insoluble in water

(d) Bases, which are soluble in water

(vii) Gutzeit method us used for the limit test of -

(a) Iron (b) Sulphate

 (c) Chloride (d) Arsenic

(viii) The chemical formula of caustic soda is -

(a) NaOH (b) Ca(OH)2

(c) NH4OH (d) KOH

(ix) Which gas is used as antioxidant?

(a) CO2 (b) N2O

(c) N2 (d) O2

(x) According to the IP, calamine is?

(a) Titanium Oxide (b) Zinc Oxide & 0.5% ferric oxide

(c) Magnesium Sulphate (d) Ferric Oxide

(xi) Which antacid is associated with Milk Alkali syndrome?

(a) Mg(OH)2 (b) NaHCO3

(c) CaCO3 (d) Al(OH)3

(xii) Agents used for Disinfection of Water -

(a) Bleaching Powder (b) Ozone

(c) Both (d) None

(xiii) Abrasive agent used in tooth powder is -

(a) SLS (b) Sodium CMC

(c) DE calcium Phosphate (d) Triclosan

(xiv) BAL is used in the Poisoning of?

(a) Arsenic (b) Iron

(c) Calcium (d) Copper

(xv) Agent used as Radio-opaque contrast media for X-ray examination of GIT?

(a) Barium Sulphate (b) Magnesium Sulphate

(c) Radioactive Iodine (d) Sodium Phosphate

(xvi) FeSO4 is used as?

(a) Antacid (b) Hematinic

(c) Expectorant (d) Antioxidant

(xvii) Which is the Major Cation of Intracellular Fluid?

(a) Sodium (b) Potassium

(c) Calcium (d) Magnesium

(xviii) Alcohol concentrations above 60% are effective against _________________

(a) Bacteria (b) Fungi

(c) Germs (d) Giruses

(xix) Impurities in pharmaceutical preparation may be due to following sources:

(a) Raw material (b) Manufacturing process

(c) Chemical instability (d) All of the above

(xx) Boric acid having _________ mol.wt

(a) 61.83 (b) 40.1 (c) 45 (d) 50


Long answer questions. [10x2 = 20 Marks]

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Define impurities in pharmaceutical Substance. Write the source and types of


Q.2 Explain the principle involve in Limit test for arsenic with reactions.

Q.3 Write the function of physiological ions and role of oral rehydration salt.


Short answer questions. [5x7 = 35 Marks]

Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 Write the Definition of Poisons with example of antidote.

Q.2 Define Emetics with details on example.

Q.3 What is the role of fluoride in the treatment on dental caries.

Q.4 Explain the acid base theory.

Q.5 Define antacid and write the Properties of antacid with example.

Q.6 Define radiopharmaceuticals and write the properties of alpha, beta and Gama


Q.7 What is the role of Zinc Sulphate as an astringent?

Q.8 Define antimicrobial and explain about boric acid.

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