Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA I SEM Pharmaceutics - I [BP103T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

First Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmaceutics - I [BP103T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note: - (1) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

(2) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20 = 20] Marks

(i) Third edition of IP was reconstituted under the chairmanship of-

(a) B.N. Ghosh

(b) B. Mukharji

(c) R.N. Chopra

(d) Nityanand

(ii) One pound (Lb) = _________ ounces in Apothecaries system.

(a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 20

(iii) The first edition of National Formulary of United States was published

in__________ by American Pharmaceutical Association.

(a) 1975 (b) 1868 (c) 1820 (d) 1888

(iv) How many parts of solvent needed to dissolve slightly soluble solute ?

(a) 1 to 10 parts

(b) 10 to 100 parts

(c) 100 to 1000 parts

(d) 30 to 100 parts

(v) Homoeopathy was proposed by physician

(a) Samuel Hahnemann

(b) Hippocrates

(c) Dioscorides

(d) None of these

(vi) Full form of USP

(a) United State of pharmacopoeia

(b) United State of pharmacy

(c) Union State of portal

(d) United State of pharmacopeia

(vii) Following method used for formulation of emulsion

(a) Bottle method

(b) Wet gum method

(c) Dry gum method

(d) All of above

(viii) ‘Principle of single remedy’, is basic principle of _________ medicines

(a) Siddha

(b) Homoeopathy

(c) Unani

(d) None of above

(ix) 1 tablespoonful =

(a) 5ml (b) 10ml (c) 15ml (d) 20ml

(x) _________ method is used for determination of particle size

(a) Sieving

(b) sedimentation

(c) Optical microscopy

(d) All of above

(xi) _________ method is used for determination of particle size

(a) Sieving

(b) sedimentation

(c) Optical microscopy

(d) All of above

(xii) _________ factors affect rate of filtration.

(a) Area of filter surface

(b) Particle size

(c) Temperature

(d) All of above

(xiii) Surface treated glass is also called as __________

(a) Type I glass

(b) Type II glass

(c) Type III glass

(d) None of above

(xiv) Suspension is __________ liquid dosage forms.

(a) Monophasic

(b) Biphasic

(c) Both of above

(d) None of the above

(xv) One tea spoonful ________ ml.

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 15 (d) 30

(xvi) Planetary mixer is used for mixing of __________

(a) Solids

(b) Liquids

(c) Semisolids

(d) None of the above

(xvii) _________ is the mechanism of size reduction.

(a) Toughness

(b) Hardness

(c) Cutting

(d) None of above

(xviii) Starch can be used as __________ in tablet formulation.

(a) Binder

(b) Colouring agent

(c) Flavouring agent

(d) None of above

(xix) __________ is the method of preparation of granules.

(a) Wet granulation

(b) Dry granulation

(c) Both of above

(d) None of above

(xx) Roller mill works on the principle of ___________

(a) Impact

(b) Compression

(c) Attrition

(d) None of above


Long answer questions. [2×10 = 20] Marks

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Define the term Prescription. Discuss various parts of prescription giving

 suitable examples. What are the common errors in the prescription?

Page [4]

Q.2 What are semi-solid dosage forms? Give a detailed account on excipients

used in semi-solid forms.

Q.3 Define and classify Emulsion. Discuss methods of preparation, stability

problem and methods to overcome stability problems in emulsion.


Short answer questions. [7×5 = 35] Marks

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 What are Liquid dosage forms? Discuss in detail various solubility

enhancement techniques.

Q.2 Classify various pharmaceutical dosage forms with a detailed note on unit

dosage forms. Write its applications over liquid dosage forms.

Q.3 Define the term Incompatibility. Describe various types of drugs incompati-

 bilities giving suitable examples.

Q.4 What are suppositories and its types? Write a short note about molding

 method for preparation of suppositories.

Q.5 Difference between Lotion and Liniment, Syrups and Elixirs.

Q.6 Difference between Flocculated and Deflocculated suspension, Paste and


Q.7 Explain different types of Dosage form.

Q.8 Write short notes on any three of the following.

(i) Factors affecting Suspension

(ii) Pharmacy as a career.

(iii) Imperial and Metric system of calculation

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