Thursday, February 17, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University BSc III SEM ALL BRANCH English [FCS301HE] Dec - 2020 Question Papers

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University 

Bachelor of Science

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

English [FCS301HE]

Time: 1:20 Hrs Max Marks 35

Note : There are three parts in this paper. All parts are compulsory.


Q1. Objective type question [1×5=5] Marks

(i) What is the purpose of pilling rubbish-

(a) To dispose it (b) To burn it

(c) To crate a tree (d) To recycle it

(ii) What gives colors to the twig -

(a) Season (b) Buds

(c) Local Environment (d) Plastic

(iii) The scorpion is referred as -

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(a) The evil one (b) Poisonous one

(c) Dangerous (d) Ill spite

(iv) The term man of science refers to -

(a) Teacher (b) Astronauts

(c) Astrologist (d) Computer operator

(v) On the rule of the road is an essay about -

(a) Traffic rules

(b) Road accident

(c) Liberty & its limitation

(d) Manners & mannerism of the people


Answer the following questions (any 5) [5×2=10] Marks

Q.1 What is meant by on the rule of the road?

Q.2 Who is the “I” in the poem?

Q.3 What is meaning of science.

Q.4 Why should we respect the right of the people?

Q.5 How did the peasant search for scorpion?

Q.6 What is the mother's reaction to the scorpion bite?

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Q.1 Write short note on the superstition belief of the villagers.

Q.2 Write an essay on the Gardner’s view.

Q.3 Why it is necessary to posses social role?

Q.4 Paragraph writing (any 1) [5×1=5] Marks

i) Art of India

ii) Women Empowerment

Q.5 Do as directed - [5×1=5] Marks

(a) Use the appropriate article or determiners –

i) I used my shoes as _______ hammer.

ii) We used to ______ same sehrel.

(b) Find the correct preposition -

i) I saw something about it _______ television. (at/on/in)

ii) She took the key _______ her pocket and put it ______ the lock. (in/into/between)

iii) Keep the secret _____ you & me. Don’t share____ your friends.


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