Friday, February 18, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University BSC AG I SEM Comprehension & Communication Skills in English [ENG511] Dec - 2020 Question Papers

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)

First Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Comprehension & Communication Skills in English [ENG511]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks : 50

Note : All three sections are compulsory.

Student should not write anything on question paper.


This section contains objective type questions. Each question carries 1 mark.

Q.1 Multiple Choice Question- [1x10=10]

(i) You will get all the information _________ the news.

(a) At (b) On

(c) In (d) Over

(ii) Neha __________ me to share this.

(a) Has given (b) have given

(c) Was broken (d) is broken

(iii) She _________ to come yesterday.

(a) had (b) has

(c) have (d) lake

(iv) My brother is _________ auther.

(a) he (b) a

(c) the (d) None of these

(v) Put__________ your shoes before entering a temple.

(a) Off (b) out

(c) On (d) in

(vi) He has been learning car _________ two months.

(a) in (b) from

(c) for (d) to

(vii) Please stop _________ now.

(a) Cry (b) cried

(c) Crying (d) none of these

(viii) You must come _________ car.

(a) by (b) from

Page [2]

(c) in (d) over

(ix) I got _________ University where I can get me degree.

(a) a (b) an

(c) the (d) None of these

(x) I ________ going to Bhopal today.

(a) Am (b) Is

(c) Was (d) Will


Short Answer type question.

Each question carries 2 marks (Any five) [2x5=10]

Q.1 What is the important part of speech?

Q.2 What do you understand by listening skills?

Q.3 Explain précis? What is importance of précis?

Q.4 Write important point of good précis?

Q.5 What is comprehension? Explain it.

Q.6 Write step of paragraph writing.


Long Answer type question. Each question carries 5 marks (Any six) [5x6=30]

Q.1 Write short not - on Articles?

Q.2 What is the process of interview to make it more effective?

Q.3 While writing comprehension what are the important points to be kept in mind?

Q.4 Discuss various styles of Resume of formats of Resume?

Q.5 Write about effective communication skills?

Q.6 How will you explain a good speaker?

Q.7 Write an application for the post of professor with resume?

Q.8 Write down a paragraph on “Beauty and brains go together?

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