Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University
Bachelor of Business Administration
Fifth Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Indian Financial Systems [BBA503T]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 80
Note: - Attempt any five questions.
All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 While there have been changes in the structure of Indian Financial system (IFS) over the
last five decades, please explain the current structure of Indian Financial system (IFS).
Q.2 List the various players who are a part of organized and unorganized financial markets.
Q.3 Define the terms equity and debentures & list the advantages & disadvantages of having
them in your investment portfolio.
Q.4 As the prime banking regulatory body in India today, Reserve Bank of India plays a key
role in ensuring financial stability in the economy. In this regard, explain in detail its role,
& functions.
Q.5 Define the term “Cooperative Bank” and elaborate
Q.6 NBFC‟s have helped in providing a tremendous boost to the financial sector in India.
What role have they played in helping the economy grow? Also give a brief on various
types of NBFC‟s in India.
Q.7 List out the various types of finances & need for these types of finances as a part of the
funding requirement of any organization.
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