Friday, February 18, 2022

TNTEU B.Ed Childhood and Growing Up 2022 Question Paper

Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University Previous Years Question Paper

QP.No. : B 1601 




(For the candidates admitted during the Academic Year 2020–2021 only) 

First Year 


Time : 3 hours 

Maximum Marks : 70

Answer any SEVEN questions. 

Each answer should not exceed 600 words. 

Each answer carries 10 marks.  (7 × 10 = 70 marks) 

1. Distinguish growth from development with illustrations. 

2. Describe the dimensions of development. 

3. Explain the stages of cognitive development by Piaget. 

4. Describe the role of family on socializing process. 

5. Discuss about the environmental influences of gender stereotyping with illustrations. 

6. Describe the issues and concerns of marginalized children. 

7. Describe the methods to understand the social and moral behaviours of adolescents. 

8. Identify play activities and their role in child development. 

9. Discuss the impact of mass media on adolescents. 

10. Relate urbanization and child development. 



PDF Link : Click here to download TNTEU B.Ed Childhood and Growing Up 2022 Question Paper

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