Bharathidasan University Question Papers- Old Question Papers / Past and Previous Years Question Papers- Bharathidasan University MCA Enterprise Resource Planning Nov 2021 Question Paper Download in Text format below.
S.No. 4298
P 16 MCA 17
(For candidates admitted from 2016–2017 onwards)
Computer Application
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 75 marks
SECTION A — (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL questions.
1. What is an ERP and how does it work?
2. What is materials management ERP system?
3. What role does ERP play in a supply chain management strategy?
4. Write any two roles of ERP in supply chain management.
5. What is supply chain management systems?
6. What is supply chain modeling?
7. What is demand planning?
8. What is supply chain design?
9. What is customer relationship management?
10. Difference between ERP software and CRP software.
SECTION B — (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer ALL questions by choosing either (a) or (b) in each.
11. (a) Discuss about the functionalities of ERP sales and Marketing module.
(b) Why is manufacturing ERP important for business?
12. (a) Discuss about the factors causing ERP project failures.
(b) Discuss about the benefits of combining supply chain management and ERP systems.
13. (a) Why is supply chain modeling so important?
(b) Describe the metrics to consider in measuring supply chain performance.
14. (a) Describe the roles of forecasting in supply chain management.
(b) Explain the importance of demand forecasting in supply chain.
15. (a) How to choose the right CRM software?
(b) Discuss the challenges in designing CRM applications.
SECTION C — (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any THREE questions.
16. Discuss about the benefits of deploying ERP for managing accounting and finances.
17. Describe the factors in successful ERP projects.
18. Describe the various types of supply chain management software.
19. Why is demand forecasting important for effective supply chain management?
20. Describe the essential CRM features that every business needs
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