Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Bachelor of Business Administration
Fifth Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Working Capital Management [BBA506F]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 80
Note: - Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 What is the significance of working capital for a manufacturing firm? What will be the
consequences of shortage and excess of working capital?
Q.2 Describe the important features of Tandon Committee. What are the three methods of
financing as suggested by the committee?
Q.3 Discuss the sources of Working Capital. How the commercial papers and trade credit can
be used as source of finance in working capital? Discuss.
Q.4 What is work of Commercial Banks?
Q.5 What is objective of investing cash in marketable securities?
Q.6 What is advantage of taking Bank Finance? How it differ from trade credit?
Q.7 How finance manager estimate working capital needs?
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