Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Bachelor of Engineering
Sixth Semester Examination, June-2021
Internet Technology & Network Management [IT-603]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) TCP transmission has three phases explain each in detail
(b) What is data gram fragmentation? Why datagram fragmentation is not is
issue in IPV6? How is it achieved?
Q.2 (a) Discuss the functions of router.
(b) Discuss the issue and solutions related to the interworking of IPV6 and
Q.3 (a) How does TCP handle the flow control? Explain it with the help of
diagram showing the status of sliding window at different stages.
(b) What is subnet mask? Also discuss the role of loop back address.
Q.4 (a) Write the various features of UDP protocol.
(b) Explain range of TCP/ IP classes. What is the range of private IP
Q.5 Explain in detail about the functionalities of SMTP. Specify the flow the
SMPT commands between the client and server.
Q.6 (a) What is address resolution? Describe ARP and RARP with illustration.
(b) What are the properties of reliable delivery system? How these properties
are achieved by TCP?
Q.7 Write notes on:-
(i) HTTP (ii) SNMP
Q.8 Write short notes on:-
(i) Security management
(ii) Fault management
(iii) SMTP vs. POP
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