Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Bachelor of Engineering
Eighth Semester Main Examination, June-2021
Advanced Data Network [EC8013]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions out of eight.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
iii) Answer should be precise & to be point only.
iv) Assume suitable data if necessary & state them clearly.
Q.1 a) Describe cellular system. What are the topologies used for cellular systems?
b) Discus the principle of GPRS and higher data rates.
Q.2 a) Explain the five major challenges for implementing. WLANs that existed
from the beginning of this industry.
b) Explain the principle of short messaging services in GSM.
Q.3 a) Explain the architecture and reference model of HIPERLAN-2 in details.
b) List the technologies for wireless geolocation system.
Q.4 a) What is GPS system? Write and explain the principles of GPS position locationing.
b) Describe Bluetooth architecture and protocol. Also discuss its limitations.
Q.5 a) Discuss Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing OADM. What is reconfigurable OADM?
b) Explain the SONET frame structure and SONET rings with neat diagrams.
Q.6 a) For wireless network operation explain mobility management, radio resources and power
b) Explain wideband long-haul WDM networks and narrowband metro WDM networks with suitable
Q.7 a) Write briefly on the new interest from military and service providers.
b) What is Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network? Write advantages of CDPD.
Q.8 Write Short Notes on
a) Satellite signal acquisition
b) Fiber Bragg grating dispersion compensator
c) Geolocation standards for E-911 services
d) Radio and satellite navigation
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