Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Pharmacy (Pharmacology)
First Semester Examination, Dec-2020
Advanced Pharmacology-I (MPL-102T)
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Define Diuretics. Write the classification of diuretics. Describe in detail about
Thiazide Diuretics.
(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of Nephron with sites of action. Explain in detail
about furosemide.
Q.2 (a) Define Analgesics. Write classification of NSAIDs. Write pharmacokinetic,
pharmacological action and adverse drug reaction of Aspirin.
(b) Write a detail note on Opioids Analgesics.
Q.3 (a) Classify Anticholinergic drugs with example of each group. Describe
pharmacological and therapeutic effects and adverse effect of atropine.
(b) Write a note on Mania.
Q.4 (a) Describe Arrythemia. Classify Antiarrythemic drugs. Describe in detail about
pharmacology of Quinidine.
(b) What are Cardiotonics? Write different sources of cardiac glycoside. Write
pharmacological action mechanism of action of cardiac glycoside.
Q.5 (a) Define Hypertension. Classify antihypertensive drugs. Write pharmacokinetic,
mechanism of action pharmacological action and therapeutic uses of anyone class of
(b) Write a detail note on Neurohumoral Transmission.
Q.6 (a) Write a detail note on Tricyclic Antidepressant.
(b) Describe in detail about different types of receptors.
Q.7 Write difference on-
(a) General Anaesthetic and local Anaesthetic.
(b) Benzodiazepine and barbiturates.
Q.8 Write short note on (any two)
(a) Parkinson Disease and its treatment.
(b) Prostaglandin.
(c) Significance of protein binding.
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