Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Business Administration
Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Strategic Technology Management [MBA303P]
Time: 3:00 Max Marks 80
Note : Attempt any five questions.
All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 Discuss any two basic approaches to technology forecasting. Discuss two methods for
each of the suggested approaches.
Q.2 What factors should the licensor of technology look for while transferring his technology
to the potential licensee?
Q.3 Information Technology brings about changes in products and these have some major
consequences. What are these consequences?
Q.4 The key words in Technology assessment are neutrality, unbiasdness and objective
analysis on the part of the study group. Comment and elaborate.
Q.5 What broad principles should be kept in view with regard to planning for development of
indigenous technological capabilities? Discuss.
Q.6 Why are national and international linkages in the field of technological cooperation
Q.7 Explain the following perspectives with reference to technology diffusion:
i) Adoptive perspective.
ii) Infrastructure perspectives.
Scanned Copies:
iii) Regulatory perspective
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