Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Computer Application
Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Object Oriented Methodology & C++ [MCA303]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Define Object oriented Programming in detail?
(b) What is Constructor and destructor function? Explain the purpose of constructor and
destructor in a program.
Q.2 (a) Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a given number?
(b) What is Inheritance, discussed different type of inheritance with example.
Q.3 (a) What is friend Function? What are some advantage and disadvantage of using friend
(b) What is the need of virtual function? Explain with the help of example?
Q.4 (a) Briefly explain Exception handling.
(b( What are tellg( ) and tellp( ) functions in c++?
Q.5 (a) Define following:
i) Abstract class
ii) Friend function
iii) Early binding and late binding.
(b) Compare abstraction and encapsulation. Give advantage & disadvantage of polymorphism in
an object oriented system.
Q.6 (a) Explain the following terms with the help of an example
(i) Throw an except
(ii) Catching an exception
(iii) Try and catch block
(b( What is I/O system & formatted I/O explain with block diagram?
Q.7 (a) What is constructor? Explain different type of constructors.
(b) What is UML? Draw a UML diagram for a data processing and explain?
Q.8 (a) Explain term Polymorphism? How is Polymorphism achieved at :
(i) Compile Time (ii) Run Time
(b) Compare abstraction and encapsulation. Give advantage & disadvantage of polymorphism in
an object oriented system.
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