Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Pharmacy (Pharmacology)
Second Semester Examination, June-2021
Advanced Pharmacology II [MPL201T]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) What is free radical brief note on free radical mechanism and role of free
radical in etiopathology of various disease.
(b) Write the mode of action of contraceptives pills and their ADR.
Q.2 (a) Write brief notes on cellular mechanism and classification of growth
hormone drugs.
(b) Write the molecular mechanism action of insulin hormones and Their
Q.3 (a) Describe rational use of anti microbial agents with at least two examples.
(b) Write the molecular and cellular mechanism action of drug resistance.
Q.4 (a) Describe the classification, MOA, ADR and drug resistance of anti fungal
(b) Describe the classification, MOA, ADR and drug resistance of anti
viral drugs
Q.5 (a)What is the hypersensitive reaction describe the type of hypersensitivity
reaction with uses of drugs.
(b) What is chrono-pharmacology ,describe the chrono-pharmacology
disease like diabetes and asthma.
Q.6 (a) Describe the classification, MOA, ADR and drug resistance of anti-cancer
(b) Describe Difference between pharmacotherapy of asthma and
Q.7 (a) Write the basic mechanisms of inflammation and their biochemical mediator
(b) What are Immunosuppressant and Immunostimulants. Explain ?
Q.8 Short notes (Any 3)
a) Drug used in irritable bowel syndrome
b) Anti-emetics drugs
c) Drug used in constipation
d) Recent advances in treatment of cancer drug
e) Antioxidant
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