Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Arts (English Literature)
Second Semester Examination, June-2021
Prose II [MAE204T]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 85
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Give annotation to the following paragraph. (any two)
(a) So I don‟s think that it is altogether fanciful of incredible to suppose that
even the floods in London may be accepted and enjoyed „ Poetically.
(b) Of all sounds of all bells (bells, the music highest bordering upon heaven)
most solemn touching is the peal which rings and the old year.
(c) “Knowing that you was my old master‟s good fround, I could not forbear
sending you to the melancholy news of his death which has afflicted the whole
country, as well as his poor servants who loved him.
(d) Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contact, It is an
accommodation of interests in matters which do not touch anybody else‟s
Liberty of laws, I may be as free as i .
Q.2 (a) What is Samuel Johnson Known for?
(b) Write the summary of the life of Samuel Johnson?
(a) Write the Character sketch of Sir Roger.
(b) What can we learn from the life of wisdom?
Q.3 (a) Write Oliver Goldsmith as an essayist.
(b) Write the man in Black suit Summary and analysis.
(a) Write the summary of New year eve.
(b) What is Elia afraid New year.
Q.4 (a) What is difference between individual and social liberty.
(b) What A.G Gardiner says on his Rule of Roads.
(a) Explain the use of Humour in the essay back to the desk.
(b) Write critical appreciation of the essay the pleasure of Ignorance.
Q.5 (a) Analysis of the essay Running after ones hat.
(b) Why does Chesterton think people find it unpleasant to run after a hat.
(a) Write the importance of Sports in building nationalism.
(b) How does sport promote nationalism?
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