Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Technology
Second Semester Examination, June-2021
Biometric Systems & Biometric Image Processing [MTCYS203]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Write down the Characteristic and Benefits of Good biometric
Q.2 Describe all the process involved in Key biometric.
Q.3 Define the term biometric leading technologies. Describe any two
Q.4 What do you mean by image processing? Explain Spatial domain
Q.5 Explain briefly about frequency domain methods.
Q.6 Define term image segmentation. Explain pixel classification by
Thresholding and histogram technique.
Q.7 Write short note on boundary tracking and laplacian edge detection.
Q.8 Write short note on
(i) Head tilting problem in iris biometric
(ii) Texture energy feature of iris biometric
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