Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Technology
Second Semester Examination, June-2021
Theory of Plates and Shells [MTSE205]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Any data required but not provided may be assumed.
Q.1 a) Discuss the Slope and curvature of slightly bent plates?
b) A circular plate of radius a with simply supported edges carries a load of
intensity q UDL over the entire surface of the plate derivation the expression
for the maximum deflection of the plate?
Q.2 a) Write the various assumption made in thin plates with small deflection?
b) Derive the moment curvature relationship in the case of pure bending of
Q.3 a) Discuss the general theory of cylindrical shell loaded symmetrical with
respect to its axis?
b) Compare membrane theory and bending theory of cylindrical shell in
Q.4 a) Discuss the membrane theory of density curved shell and thus obtain the
expression for membrane force along meridional and circumferential
b) Write short note on Gaussian curvature?
Q.5 a) Discuss in detail the boundary condition?
b) Explain the use of infinite integrals and transforms?
Q.6 a) Discuss Fourier loading ?
b) Write short note hyperbolic parabolic shells?
Q.7 a) Explain differential equation for cylindrical bending of plates?
b) Explain cylindrical bending of uniformly loaded rectangular plates with
simply supported edges?
Q.8 a) Write relation between bending moment and curvature in pure bending of
b) Write short note Strain energy in pure bending of plates?
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