Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University
Master of Technology
Second Semester Examination, June-2021
Steam and Gas Turbine [MTTPE204]
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note : Attempt any five questions out of eight.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 A stage of an impulse turbine is velocity compounded with two rows
of moving blades. The isentropic enthalpy drop in the stage is 320 kg.
The nozzle angle is 160 and mean blade speed 150m/sec. Velocity
coefficient of the blades is 0.9 for all blades which are symmetrical.
Steam flow rate through the turbine is 20 kg Sec. Determine blade
angles, power output, stage efficiency and K.E. of steam leaving the
Q.2 Define degree of admission. Why is partial admission of steam
adopted in high pressure stages of an impulse turbine?
Q.3 What is the function of the pressure equalizing holes in a Reaction
Q.4 Deduce a general expression relating area, velocity, pressure etc of a
compressible fluid expanding isentropically through a nozzle and
draw conclusions regarding the type of nozzle to be used for
accelerating flow through the nozzle.
Q.5 Define reheat factor and internal efficiency of a multistage turbine.
Q.6 A gas turbine power plant of 12 MW capacity works on closed cycle
using air as working medium. The pressure ratio is 4.3, the
temperature of air at the inlet of the compressor is 300k and maximum
temperature in the cycle is 960k.
Q.7 What do you mean by choking flow through a nozzle?
Q.8 Dry saturated steam at an absolute temperature T1 expands in a
turbine to an absolute temperature T2. Assuming a very large number
of stages, show that the reheat factor is given by Where stage
efficiency of each stage.
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