Monday, March 6, 2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University MSC (Chemistry) IV SEM Environmental Chemistry [MSC402T] June 2021 Question Paper

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Fourth Semester Main Examination, June-2021

Environmental Chemistry [MSC402T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 85

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question has two parts.

Part A is 10 marks and part B is 7 marks.

Q.1 (a) Describe vertical temperature and temperature version.

(b) Explain Biochemical cycles of carbon.


(a) Explain analytical method of measuring BOD (Biological Oxygen


(b) Explain various effects of heat budget.

Q.2 (a) Write down the classification of pesticides.

(b) Write a brief note on Japan Tsunami.


(a) What are pesticides? Explain

(b) Explain Minimata diseases

Q.3 (a) Write a short note on the biological cycle of oxygen.

(b) Explain, What is micro and macro nutrients.


(a) Explain the biological cycle of Nitrogen.

(b) Write is noise pollution? Write control strategies of air pollution.

Q.4 (a) Write down the purification and treatment method of water?

(b) What is air pollution? Write control strategies of air pollution.


(a) Write down the photochemical reactions in atmosphere.

(b) How did the smog formed in atmosphere? Explain .

Q.5 (a) Write short note on any two:

(i) DO (Dissolved Oxygen) (ii) Acid Rain (iii) Green House Effect

(b) Explain organ chlorine pesticides. Briefly.


(a) Explain the analytical method of measuring COD (Chemical Oxygen


(b) What is the role of Environmental chemistry and their examples? 

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